City of Rowlett’s RCOSA Video

The City of Rowlett’s Council Member Debby Bobbitt and Parks Division Manager Keith Flournoy created a video promoting the Rockwall County Open Space Alliance and the benefits they see to their community and to our county as a whole.  We invite you to take a...

Give Us Your Thoughts!

We recently received this comment from a Rockwall County resident in our Discussion area, and wondered what you think about their comments.  Do you feel the same way?  What unusual areas do you think should be preserved? ______________________________________________...

Open Space Master Plan Process Begins

The Open Space Master Plan process is ramping up and we look forward to engaging with Rockwall County citizens to get their ideas and involvement.  A Public Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 22, 2015 from 6pm-8pm at the Rockwall County Courthouse Jury Room....