Monarch Butterfly Recovery Effort
- The beautiful Monarch Butterfly is The Texas State Insect “Butterfly”
- The Monarch is the only Butterfly to migrate a thousand miles from southern Canada and from one spot in central Mexico and always comes through Texas each Spring and Fall feeding, reproducing on the way
- Monarchs are in serious decline -‐ we Texans can help their recovery
- Guarantee that our Grandchildren will witness these beautiful Monarchs migrating by the millions to announce each Spring and Fall
- Become a member of the Rockwall County Open Space Alliance
- See and join (it’s free)
- Become active in providing for your family’s green space future
- Donate whatever time, talent and treasure you can
- Plant Native Milkweed and other Nectar Plants in your home garden
- Purchase seeds and plants from local nurseries
- Apply for grants of seeds and plants from Monarch organizations
- Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
- Monarch Watch
- Native Plant Society of North Texas
- Monarch Wranglers (Laura Bush)
- Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
- Texas Discovery Garden at Fair Park
- And others
- Create a Monarch Way Station (link: Monarch Watch)
- Avoid pesticides on your plants, when purchasing plants and choosing organically grown foods
- Apply beneficial insects to prevent and control aphids
- Use a hard spray of water to remove large infestations
- Buy organically grown plants to protect feeding and laying Butterflies
- Spread the Word
- Learn about the unique Monarch Butterfly and help educate our children
- Encourage your Mayor to take the Mayors Monarch Pledge
- See the national website: Mayors Monarch Pledge
- Initiate Monarch Gardens in your community for the Recovery Effort
- School yards
- City parks
- HOA Common Areas and Other Open Space Areas
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