Ernie and Becky Burkett of Shannon’s Farms donated five young pecan trees to our 2018 Sunset & Stars BBQ silent auction. Long-time supporter, Dr. Nathan Hodges, bought one in support of the RCOSA’s efforts to raise money for projects within Rockwall County that can promote trails, parks and open spaces. Today was planting day at Dr. Hodges’ home in McLendon-Chisholm. Thank you to Dr. Hodges for supporting RCOSA and to Shannon’s Farms for providing the young pecan trees to beautify our land!

Supporter Dr. Nathan Hodges (on left) and Shannon’s Farms owner Ernie Burkett determining the optimum planting area for the donated pecan tree.

Supporter Dr. Nathan Hodges (left) and sponsor Ernie Burkett of Shannon’s Farms get ready to drop the 3 year old pecan tree into the hole.

Supporter Dr. Nathan Hodges (left) helps Ernie Burkett of sponsor Shannon’s Farms plant a new pecan tree.
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